Tag Archive | Chat

Peter Facinelli is Team Robert!

This past Saturday, before the Showtime première of Twilight, Peter Facinelli gave an online chat to TV.com where he discussed with fans his acting career, the difference in roles with the Twilight Saga and Nurse Jackie, and his personal preference in two popular guys who just happen to be his friends.


Q:  If you could be any character other than your own in the saga, who would that be and why?

A:  Edward, for a bunch of reasons, if I were younger would be a great character to play. If I couldn’t play Edward I’m quite happy playing the dad. I don’t think the apple falls far from the tree.

Q:  Team Taylor or Team Robert?

A:  Haha – I gotta go Team Robert.  He’s my family.  I love Taylor, but Rob plays my son so I got to keep it in the family.  But as far as the real actors in the film — I think they’re both immensely talented and I support both of them.



Twitter Talk & Week-in-Review

This blog entry is a futher extention from my “1-week” blog.

So, I have had an awesome week! Today marks my 1-week anniversary & I didn’t even get myself anything except a really cool bunch of friends on Twitter that I would have never met other if not for Robert Pattinson.

Oh,… Robert Pattinson! How I love thee! Let me count the ways!

Heehee.. that’s another blog, girlfriend, let me tell you, mmmmkay? 🙂 Anywho.. I just wanted to take this time & hopefully the appropriate people are reading this & see how much I am grateful for the new friendship they have given me. I hope to look back on this some day & see these humble begins & go dang— I was such a nerd, but Robert Pattinson’s hot & worth it, right? LOL

Yeah, so I just want to give a little shout out to the following chicas or chicos LOL:

First off, @DazzlesPR & @EverythingRob. You were my original pimps to begin with LOL Whether you know it or not, you helped me get started, so THANKS! 🙂

Creative-wise, I want to thank @rayneattwilight. Watching her videos makes me wish my stupid video software working. Nope. Still not working and I AIN’T HAPPY! (“And, if he still in there– he ain’t happy!” QUICK! Name that movie & you get it right, you’re awesome! LOL).  @Late2ThePartee & @FakerParis who, both, I don’t know very well but admire their work from afar & gives me give creative encouragement to keep going!

Special Shout out to my Skank Slayers (AKA BTFF’s!): @nextstopSF @TwiGossipGirl @dreamingOfRob @nextstopSF @TwilightTweaker @everythingrob @bostongirl1212 We’re awesome & we rock, thank you very much! :O)

Also special thanks for the encouragement:  @RpattzCiggie @Rpattzhanz @rktac @amanda1104 @pattyvillalba @boysforpele32 @Edwardslori & all the #Robcessories :O) (You guys crack me up!  So creative!)

I hope to God that I haven’t forgotten anyone & if you’re reading this & you’re like– HEY!  Where the heck is my name.  It’s right here _____________.  OK?  I’m so sorry, please know it wasn’t intentional!!!  You’re just as awesome to me! :O)

So, all together a really great week.  I certainly feel blessed for it.  We all had a great week simply of the plethera of Rob pix… OMG, OMG… LOL  They were awesome, weren’t they?  Like— WOW! :O)

Thanks again, everyone!

– Ashley :O)